Source code for

import time

from twisted.internet import defer

from zope.interface import implements

from tensor.interfaces import ITensorSource
from tensor.objects import Source
from tensor.utils import fork

[docs]class DarwinRTSP(Source): """Makes avprobe requests of a Darwin RTSP sample stream (sample_100kbit.mp4) **Configuration arguments:** :destination: Host name or IP address to check :type method: str. **Metrics:** :(service name): Time to complete request You can also override the `hostname` argument to make it match metrics from that host. """ implements(ITensorSource) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get(self): host = self.config.get('destination', self.hostname) t0 = time.time() out, err, code = yield fork('/usr/bin/avprobe', args=('rtsp://%s/sample_100kbit.mp4' % host, ), timeout=30.0) t_delta = (time.time() - t0) * 1000 if code == 0: e = self.createEvent('ok', 'RTSP Request time to %s' % host, t_delta) else: error = err.strip('\n').split('\n')[-2] e = self.createEvent('critical', 'Unable to stream %s:%s' % (host, error), t_delta) defer.returnValue(e)