Source code for tensor.service

import time
import os
import importlib
import re
import copy

import yaml

from twisted.application import service
from twisted.internet import task, reactor, defer
from twisted.python import log

from tensor.protocol import riemann

[docs]class TensorService(service.Service): """ Tensor service Runs timers, configures sources and and manages the queue """ def __init__(self, config): self.running = 0 self.sources = [] self.lastEvents = {} self.outputs = [] self.evCache = {} self.critical = {} self.warn = {} self.eventCounter = 0 self.factory = None self.protocol = None self.watchdog = None self.config = config both = lambda i1, i2, t: isinstance(i1, t) and isinstance(i2, t) if 'include_path' in config: ipath = config['include_path'] if os.path.exists(ipath): files = [ os.path.join(ipath, f) for f in os.listdir(ipath) if f[-4:] == '.yml' ] for f in files: conf = yaml.load(open(f, 'rt')) for k,v in conf.items(): if k in self.config: if both(v, self.config[k], dict): # Merge dicts for k2, v2 in v.items(): self.config[k][j2] = v2 elif both(v, self.config[k], list): # Extend lists self.config[k].extend(v) else: # Overwrite self.config[k] = v else: self.config[k] = v log.msg('Loadded additional configuration from %s' % f) else: log.msg('Config Error: include_path %s does not exist' % ipath) # Read some config stuff self.debug = float(self.config.get('debug', False)) self.ttl = float(self.config.get('ttl', 60.0)) self.stagger = float(self.config.get('stagger', 0.2)) # Backward compatibility self.server = self.config.get('server', 'localhost') self.port = int(self.config.get('port', 5555)) self.proto = self.config.get('proto', 'tcp') self.inter = self.config.get('interval', 60.0) if self.debug: print "config:", repr(config) self.setupSources(self.config)
[docs] def setupOutputs(self, config): """Setup output processors""" if self.proto == 'tcp': defaultOutput = { 'output': 'tensor.outputs.riemann.RiemannTCP', 'server': self.server, 'port': self.port } else: defaultOutput = { 'output': 'tensor.outputs.riemann.RiemannUDP', 'server': self.server, 'port': self.port } outputs = config.get('outputs', [defaultOutput]) for output in outputs: if not ('debug' in output): output['debug'] = self.debug cl = output['output'].split('.')[-1] # class path = '.'.join(output['output'].split('.')[:-1]) # import path # Import the module and get the object output we care about outputObj = getattr(importlib.import_module(path), cl) self.outputs.append(outputObj(output, self)) for output in self.outputs: # connect the output reactor.callLater(0, output.createClient)
def createSource(self, source): # Resolve the source cl = source['source'].split('.')[-1] # class path = '.'.join(source['source'].split('.')[:-1]) # import path # Import the module and get the object source we care about sourceObj = getattr(importlib.import_module(path), cl) if not ('debug' in source): source['debug'] = self.debug if not ('ttl' in source.keys()): source['ttl'] = self.ttl if not ('interval' in source.keys()): source['interval'] = self.inter return sourceObj(source, self.sendEvent, self) def setupTriggers(self, source, sobj): if source.get('critical'): self.critical[sobj] = [ (re.compile(k), v) for k, v in source['critical'].items() ] if source.get('warning'): self.warn[sobj] = [ (re.compile(k), v) for k, v in source['warning'].items() ]
[docs] def setupSources(self, config): """Sets up source objects from the given config""" sources = config.get('sources', []) for source in sources: src = self.createSource(source) self.setupTriggers(source, src) self.sources.append(src)
def _aggregateQueue(self, events): # Handle aggregation for each event queue = [] for ev in events: if ev.aggregation: id = if id in self.evCache: tDelta = ev.time - self.evCache[id].time m = ev.aggregation( self.evCache[id].metric, ev.metric, tDelta) queue.append(ev.copyWithMetric(m)) self.evCache[id] = ev else: queue.append(ev) return queue def setStates(self, source, queue): for ev in queue: if ev.state == 'ok': for k, v in self.warn.get(source, []): if k.match(ev.service): s = eval("service %s" % v, {'service': ev.metric}) if s: ev.state = 'warning' for k, v in self.critical.get(source, []): if k.match(ev.service): s = eval("service %s" % v, {'service': ev.metric}) if s: ev.state = 'critical'
[docs] def sendEvent(self, source, events): """Callback that all event sources call when they have a new event or list of events """ if isinstance(events, list): self.eventCounter += len(events) else: self.eventCounter += 1 events = [events] queue = self._aggregateQueue(events) if (source in self.critical) or (source in self.warn): self.setStates(source, queue) for output in self.outputs: if self.debug: log.msg("Sending events %s" % queue) reactor.callLater(0, output.eventsReceived, queue) self.lastEvents[source] = time.time()
def _startSource(self, source): source.startTimer() @defer.inlineCallbacks def startService(self): yield self.setupOutputs(self.config) if self.debug: log.msg("Starting service") stagger = 0 # Start sources internal timers for source in self.sources: if self.debug: log.msg("Starting source " + source.config['service']) # Stagger source timers, or use per-source start_delay start_delay = float(source.config.get('start_delay', stagger)) reactor.callLater(start_delay, self._startSource, source) stagger += self.stagger reactor.callLater(stagger, self.startWatchdog) self.running = 1 def startWatchdog(self): # Start source watchdog self.watchdog = task.LoopingCall(self.sourceWatchdog) self.watchdog.start(10)
[docs] def sourceWatchdog(self): """Watchdog timer function. Recreates sources which have not generated events in 10*interval if they have watchdog set to true in their configuration """ for i, source in enumerate(self.sources): if not source.config.get('watchdog', False): continue sn = repr(source) last = self.lastEvents.get(source, None) if last: try: if last < (time.time()-(source.inter*10)): log.msg("Trying to restart stale source %s: %ss" % ( sn, int(time.time() - last) )) s = self.sources.pop(i) try: s.t.stop() except Exception, e: log.msg("Could not stop timer for %s: %s" % ( sn, e)) config = copy.deepcopy(s.config) del self.lastEvents[source] del s, source source = self.createSource(config) reactor.callLater(0, self._startSource, source) except Exception, e: log.msg("Could not reset source %s: %s" % ( sn, e))
@defer.inlineCallbacks def stopService(self): self.running = 0 if self.watchdog: self.watchdog.stop() for output in self.outputs: yield defer.maybeDeferred(output.stop)