Source code for tensor.sources.docker

.. module:: docker
   :platform: Any
   :synopsis: A source module for Docker container metrics

.. moduleauthor:: Colin Alston <>

import json

from twisted.internet import defer, reactor

from zope.interface import implements

from tensor.interfaces import ITensorSource
from tensor.objects import Source

from tensor.utils import HTTPRequest, PersistentCache
from tensor.aggregators import Counter64

[docs]class ContainerStats(Source): """Returns stats for Docker containers on this host **Configuration arguments:** :param url: Docker stats URL :type url: str. **Metrics:** :(service name).(container name).mem_limit: Maximum memory for container :(service name).(container name).mem_used: Memory used by container :(service name).(container name).cpu: Percentage of system CPU in use :(service name).(container name).io_read: IO reads per second :(service name).(container name).io_write: IO writes per second :(service name).(container name).io_sync: IO synchronous op/s :(service name).(container name).io_async: IO asynchronous op/s :(service name).(container name).io_total: Total IOPS Note. If a MARATHON_APP_ID environment variable exists on the container then `container name` will be used instead of that. """ implements(ITensorSource) def __init__(self, *a, **kw): Source.__init__(self, *a, **kw) self.url = self.config.get('url', 'unix:/var/run/docker.sock') self.cache = PersistentCache(location='/tmp/dockerstats.cache') @defer.inlineCallbacks def _get_stats_from_node(self): if self.url.startswith('unix:'): sock = self.url pref = '' else: sock = None pref = self.url containers = yield HTTPRequest().getJson( '%s/containers/json' % pref, socket=sock) allStats = {} for container in containers: name = container.get('Names', [None])[0].lstrip('/').encode('ascii') stats = yield HTTPRequest().getJson( '%s/containers/%s/stats?stream=false' % (pref, name), socket=sock) detail = yield HTTPRequest().getJson( '%s/containers/%s/json' % (pref, name), socket=sock) env = detail['Config']['Env'] if env: for var in env: if var.startswith('MARATHON_APP_ID='): name = var.split('=', 1)[-1].lstrip('/').encode('ascii') allStats[name] = { 'mem_limit': stats['memory_stats']['limit'], 'mem_used': stats['memory_stats']['usage'] } io_stats = stats['blkio_stats']['io_service_bytes_recursive'] for item in io_stats: allStats[name]['io_' + item['op'].lower()] = item['value'] sysCpu = stats['cpu_stats']['system_cpu_usage'] dockCpu = stats['cpu_stats']['cpu_usage']['total_usage'] if self.cache.contains(name): lastTime, lastStats = self.cache.get(name) sysDelta = sysCpu - lastStats[0] dockDelta = dockCpu - lastStats[1] if sysDelta > 0: usage = int((dockDelta / sysDelta) * 100) allStats[name]['cpu'] = usage self.cache.set(name, [sysCpu, dockCpu]) defer.returnValue(allStats) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get(self): stats = yield self._get_stats_from_node() events = [] for name, container in stats.items(): for pref, val in container.items(): if pref.startswith('io_'): events.append(self.createEvent('ok', '', val, prefix='%s.%s' % (name, pref), aggregation=Counter64) ) else: events.append(self.createEvent( 'ok', '', val, prefix='%s.%s' % (name, pref))) defer.returnValue(events)