Source code for tensor.sources.munin

.. module:: munin
   :platform: Any
   :synopsis: Provides MuninNode source which can get events from the
              munin-node protocol.

.. moduleauthor:: Colin Alston <>

import time

from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
from twisted.protocols.basic import LineReceiver
from twisted.internet.protocol import ClientCreator

from zope.interface import implements

from tensor.interfaces import ITensorSource
from tensor.objects import Source
from tensor.aggregators import Counter, Counter32

[docs]class MuninProtocol(LineReceiver): """MuninProtocol - provides a line receiver protocol for making requests to munin-node Requests must be made sequentially """ delimiter = '\n' def __init__(self): self.ready = False self.buffer = [] self.d = None def lineReceived(self, line): if (line[0] == '#'): return if self.d and (not self.d.called): if self.list: if line == '.': buffer = self.buffer self.buffer = [] self.d.callback(buffer) else: self.buffer.append(line) else: self.d.callback(line) def disconnect(self): return self.transport.loseConnection() def sendCommand(self, command, list=False): self.d = defer.Deferred() self.list = list self.sendLine(command) return self.d
[docs]class MuninNode(Source): """Connects to munin-node and retrieves all metrics **Configuration arguments:** :param host: munin-node hostname (probably localhost) :type host: str. :param port: munin-node port (probably 4949) :type port: int. **Metrics:** :(service name).(plugin name).(keys...): A dot separated tree of munin plugin keys """ implements(ITensorSource) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get(self): host = self.config.get('host', 'localhost') port = int(self.config.get('port', 4949)) creator = ClientCreator(reactor, MuninProtocol) proto = yield creator.connectTCP(host, port) # Announce our capabilities yield proto.sendCommand('cap multigraph') listout = yield proto.sendCommand('list') plug_list = listout.split() events = [] for plug in plug_list: # Retrive the configuration for this plugin config = yield proto.sendCommand('config %s' % plug, True) plugin_config = {} for r in config: name, val = r.split(' ', 1) if '.' in name: metric, key = name.split('.') if key in ['type', 'label', 'min', 'info']: plugin_config['%s.%s.%s' % (plug, metric, key)] = val else: if name == 'graph_category': plugin_config['%s.category' % plug] = val category = plugin_config.get('%s.category' % plug, 'system') # Retrieve the metrics metrics = yield proto.sendCommand('fetch %s' % plug, True) for m in metrics: name, val = m.split(' ', 1) if name != 'multigraph': metric, key = name.split('.') base = '%s.%s' % (plug, metric) m_type = plugin_config.get('%s.type' % base, 'GAUGE') try: val = float(val) except: continue base = '%s.%s' % (plug, metric) info = plugin_config.get('' % base, base) prefix = '%s.%s' % (category, base) if m_type == 'COUNTER': events.append(self.createEvent('ok', info, val, prefix=prefix, aggregation=Counter32)) elif m_type == 'DERIVE': events.append(self.createEvent('ok', info, val, prefix=prefix, aggregation=Counter)) else: events.append(self.createEvent('ok', info, val, prefix=prefix)) yield proto.disconnect() defer.returnValue(events)