Source code for

.. module:: network
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: A source module for network checks

.. moduleauthor:: Colin Alston <>

import time

from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
from twisted.python import log

from zope.interface import implements

from tensor.interfaces import ITensorSource
from tensor.objects import Source
from tensor.protocol import icmp

from tensor.utils import fork, HTTPRequest, Timeout

[docs]class HTTP(Source): """Performs an HTTP request **Configuration arguments:** :param url: HTTP URL :type url: str. :param method: HTTP request method to use (default GET) :type method: str. :param match: A text string to match in the document when it is correct :type match: str. :param useragent: User-Agent header to use :type useragent: str. :param timeout: Timeout for connection (default 60s) :type timeout: int. **Metrics:** :(service name).latency: Time to complete request """ implements(ITensorSource) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get(self): method = self.config.get('method', 'GET') url = self.config.get('url', 'http://%s/' % self.hostname) match = self.config.get('match', None) ua = self.config.get('useragent', 'Tensor HTTP checker') timeout = self.config.get('timeout', 60) t0 = time.time() try: body = yield HTTPRequest(timeout).getBody(url, method, {'User-Agent': [ua]}, ) except Timeout: log.msg('[%s] Request timeout' % url) t_delta = (time.time() - t0) * 1000 defer.returnValue( self.createEvent('critical', '%s - timeout' % url, t_delta, prefix="latency") ) except Exception, e: log.msg('[%s] Request error %s' % (url, e)) t_delta = (time.time() - t0) * 1000 defer.returnValue( self.createEvent('critical', '%s - %s' % (url, e), t_delta, prefix="latency") ) t_delta = (time.time() - t0) * 1000 if match: if (match in body): state = 'ok' else: state = 'critical' else: state = 'ok' defer.returnValue( self.createEvent(state, 'Latency to %s' % url, t_delta, prefix="latency") )
[docs]class Ping(Source): """Performs an Ping checks against a destination **Configuration arguments:** :param destination: Host name or IP address to ping :type destination: str. **Metrics:** :(service name).latency: Ping latency :(service name).loss: Packet loss You can also override the `hostname` argument to make it match metrics from that host. """ implements(ITensorSource) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get(self): host = self.config.get('destination', self.hostname) try: ip = yield reactor.resolve(host) except: ip = None if ip: try: loss, latency = yield, 5) except: loss, latency = 100, None event = [self.createEvent('ok', '%s%% loss to %s' % (loss,host), loss, prefix="loss")] if latency: event.append(self.createEvent('ok', 'Latency to %s' % host, latency, prefix="latency")) else: event = [self.createEvent('critical', 'Unable to resolve %s' % host, 100, prefix="loss")] defer.returnValue(event)