Source code for tensor.sources.snmp

.. module:: snmp
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: A source module for polling SNMP. Requires PySNMP4

.. moduleauthor:: Colin Alston <>

import time

from twisted.internet import reactor, defer

from zope.interface import implements

from tensor.interfaces import ITensorSource
from tensor.objects import Source
from tensor import aggregators

from pysnmp.entity import engine, config
from pysnmp.entity.rfc3413.twisted import cmdgen
from pysnmp.carrier.twisted import dispatch
from pysnmp.carrier.twisted.dgram import udp
from pysnmp.proto import rfc1905, rfc1902

[docs]class SNMPConnection(object): """A wrapper class for PySNMP functions :param host: SNMP agent host :type host: str. :param port: SNMP port :type port: int. :param community: SNMP read community :type community: str. (This is not a source and you shouldn't try to use it as one) """ def __init__(self, host, port, community): self.snmp = engine.SnmpEngine() self.snmp.registerTransportDispatcher(dispatch.TwistedDispatcher()) config.addV1System(self.snmp, 'my-area', community) config.addTargetParams(self.snmp, 'my-creds', 'my-area', 'noAuthNoPriv', 0) config.addSocketTransport(self.snmp, udp.domainName, udp.UdpTwistedTransport().openClientMode() ) config.addTargetAddr(self.snmp, 'my-router', udp.domainName, (host, port), 'my-creds') def _walk(self, soid): # Error/response receiver result = [] def cbFun(cbCtx, result, d): (errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBindTable) = cbCtx if errorIndication: print(errorIndication) elif errorStatus and errorStatus != 2: print('%s at %s' % ( errorStatus.prettyPrint(), errorIndex and varBindTable[-1][int(errorIndex)-1][0] or '?' ) ) else: for varBindRow in varBindTable: for oid, val in varBindRow: if str(oid).startswith(soid): result.append((oid, val)) for oid, val in varBindRow: if not str(oid).startswith(soid): d.callback(result) return if not val.isSameTypeWith(rfc1905.endOfMibView): break else: d.callback(result) return df = defer.Deferred() df.addCallback(cbFun, result, d) return df d.callback(result) # Prepare request to be sent yielding Twisted deferred object df = cmdgen.NextCommandGenerator().sendReq(self.snmp, 'my-router', ((soid, None),)) d = defer.Deferred() df.addCallback(cbFun, result, d) return d def walk(self, oid): return self._walk(oid)
[docs]class SNMP(Source): """Connects to an SNMP agent and retrieves OIDs **Configuration arguments:** :param ip: SNMP agent host (default: :type ip: str. :param port: SNMP port (default: 161) :type port: int. :param community: SNMP read community :type community: str. """ implements(ITensorSource) def __init__(self, *a, **kw): Source.__init__(self, *a, **kw) host = self.config.get('ip', '') port = int(self.config.get('port', 161)) # Must add v3 support community = self.config.get('community', None) self.snmp = SNMPConnection(host, port, community) def getCounter(self, soid): return self.snmp.walk(soid) @defer.inlineCallbacks def getIfMetrics(self): ifaces = yield self.snmp.walk('') table = [ ('', 'ifInOctets'), ('', 'ifInUcastPkts'), ('', 'ifInNUcastPkts'), ('', 'ifInErrors'), ('', 'ifInDiscards'), ('', 'ifOutOctets'), ('', 'ifOutUcastPkts'), ('', 'ifOutNUcastPkts'), ('', 'ifOutErrors'), ('', 'ifOutDiscards'), ] data = {} for oid, key in table: d = yield self.getCounter(oid) for i, v in enumerate(d): noid, val = v if val: iface = str(ifaces[i][1]) if not iface in data: data[iface] = {} data[iface][key] = val events = [] for iface, metrics in data.items(): for key, val in metrics.items(): aggr = None if isinstance(val, rfc1902.Counter32): aggr = aggregators.Counter32 if isinstance(val, rfc1902.Counter64): aggr = aggregators.Counter64 events.append( self.createEvent('ok', "SNMP interface %s %s=%0.2f" % (iface, key, int(val)), int(val), prefix="%s.%s" % (iface, key), aggregation=aggr)) defer.returnValue(events) @defer.inlineCallbacks def get(self): events = yield self.getIfMetrics() defer.returnValue(events)
[docs]class SNMPCisco837(SNMP): """Connects to a Cisco 837 and makes metrics **Configuration arguments:** :param ip: SNMP agent host (default: :type ip: str. :param port: SNMP port (default: 161) :type port: int. :param community: SNMP read community :type community: str. """ @defer.inlineCallbacks def get(self): events = yield self.getIfMetrics() sync_us = (yield self.snmp.walk(''))[0][1] sync_ds = (yield self.snmp.walk(''))[0][1] sync_us = int(sync_us) sync_ds = int(sync_ds) events.append( self.createEvent('ok', "SNMP ADSL sync downstream %s" % sync_ds, sync_ds, prefix="adsl.rxrate")) events.append( self.createEvent('ok', "SNMP ADSL sync upstream %s" % sync_us, sync_us, prefix="adsl.txrate")) link = yield self.snmp.walk('') link = dict([(str(i), j) for i, j in link]) output = int(link[''])/10.0 attn = int(link[''])/10.0 margin = int(link[''])/10.0 events.append( self.createEvent('ok', "SNMP ADSL output power %0.2fdBm" % output, output, prefix="adsl.outpwr")) events.append( self.createEvent('ok', "SNMP ADSL attenuation %0.2fdB" % attn, attn, prefix="adsl.attn")) events.append( self.createEvent('ok', "SNMP ADSL noise margin %0.2fdB" % margin, margin, prefix="adsl.margin")) defer.returnValue(events)